Harriet Baum Neal's House
Harriet Baum Neal's House
678 West Onondaga Street
Syracuse, New York
In 1881, Baum attended a Christmas party hosted by his sister Harriet Baum Neal. Maud Gage was attending Cornell University, one of the first women to do so thanks to her mother, Matilda Gage's suffragist efforts, and was rooming with Josie Baum, Frank Baum's cousin. Josie's mother, Josephine, took Frank in hand and led him straight to Maud stating "This is my nephew, Frank. Frank, I want you to know Maud Gage. I'm sure you will love her." Baum replied "Consider yourself loved Miss Gage." To which Maud countered "Thank you, Mr. Baum. That's a promise. Please see that you live up to it."
The rest is history.
Today the house is abandoned. Please do not trespass.
The meeting of Maud Gage (Annette O'Toole) and L. Frank Baum (John Ritter). Taken from "The Dreamer Of Oz."
Video Credit: Connor Hicks